December 1, 2020
11:57 pm
When I tell you love is ignorant it is IGNORANT I don’t understand it..
Its so stupid it make me so ANNOYED
I don’t wish to feel such emotion.
I have seen what it does to others and what it is capable of
I don’t want It…
Its so beautiful but it discusses me so much
Women like one I know can be so intoxicating breaking a stupid boys heart.
Unlike her he loves her but he’s stupid for her and he cant control it
This stupid thought pops up once in a while, it goes like this
You are better than him or her, don’t deal with the bs, do you only
But what does one do: go back to them *sigh*
The past is a dead city and it should stay that way.
But LOVE is what makes us go back to those memories
Its an emotion that angers so many but confuses others, but gives Serenity to others…
Must it be so difficult?
I don’t want It anymore, I’m not sure what it is anymore
I don’t want to believe there is someone out there for me anymore…
I wish to please me and GOD and only us two
I wish to not happen to care for loving someone which is a distraction
That can hurt us, or just make an impact in out life
Especially if one is not good with change like me
This love that one calls is just an emotion and a word society throws around like nothing.
So why not use it forget about it, lets not remember it ever existed…
Leave it alone until necessary… let it be in the back of your head.
But just a thought remember.. Until later 11:57 pm