Ariana Grande “Positions”

January 14, 2021
Ariana Grande is a female singer with an amazing vocal range who has just come out with a new album called Positions, and it is amazing. This pandemic has been rough on all of us, so her releasing this album for us to listen to allows you escape the real world even if it’s just for 3 minutes as you listen to her songs. The vibe that this gives off is so nice and soothing it gives you a late night vibe. To me, it gives off a feeling of driving late at night on an open road, vibing to music and in your thoughts. There are so many songs on Positions that have already gone crazy all over Tik Tok, starting trends such as dances and transition videos.
Grande’s songs are genuinely really good to listen to; some songs are more appropriate than others, but she mostly keeps it PG-13. Track such as “POV,” “Positions,” and “34+35” are all songs on her album that you have most definitely heard on the radio as they’re blowing up. My favorite track from the album is “Just like magic.”
It’s quite hard to describe music, as everyone interprets it in different ways– which is why YOU should listen to her album see if it’s your style of music. If it isn’t your thing, it doesn’t hurt to give it a try, as this album isn’t the genre she usually sings. Positions is really different from her previous work, and I really like how she is starting to become a diverse artist and trying different styles of music. I really recommend this album. I hope you enjoy Positions as much as I did. As always stay safe, be happy, and listen to POSITIONS by Ariana Grande!