Waiting For Nothing to Get Done: Public Policy In a Nutshell
May 13, 2021
Public Policy was probably the hardest class I had ever taken. No mercy grading, Module after Module, it can be…overwhelming. However, there are skills I have gained from the course. As the routine continued, the class got easier and easier until eventually, it felt like a piece of cake.
Mr. Greiss helped us every step of the way. You’d think that such a harsh class would make you feel stupid or useless. In fact, it makes you feel somewhat unstoppable. Mr. Greiss wanted us to know that we could make a change, if we have the right mindset. One great lesson I learned from the class was that if you want something to change, do it yourself. You may just sit around, waiting for someone with the same dream to do what you won’t. But everyone is doing that. Everyone is waiting for someone else, and no one is actually doing. Even if we want something done, we say we don’t know how anyway.
There are so many ways to change the world and reach for the stars. Getting in touch with the right people, making connections, communicating, and (although Mr. Greiss hates to admit it) a little harmless manipulation.
Mr. Greiss gave us the opportunity to read “How To Make Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Taking him up on that offer was the best decision I had ever made in the class. It gave me extra credit, but that’s not why I valued it so much. It taught me the power to get others to like me, to get others to agree with me and work with me for a common goal.
With just the right words, you can get someone powerful to be on your side. Not just that, but we learned the true power of less is more. You say just a couple of the right words, convince them a few things and they’re hooked.
No matter how young you are, if you’re given the tools and you believe that you can, you will. Mr. Greiss gives you all of the tools you need, and he helps you reach that level of understanding of the system, in such a way that you learn how to work with it and get what you want. I never before in a million years thought I could get involved in government or law or that I could even comprehend it.
Even with different goals, the skills I’ve attained through the course will help me in everyday life. I’ll learn how to make friends, influence others, and be the change that I want to see.
Don’t just sit around and wait for nothing to get done. Get up and get it done. Do the things no one else had the audacity to do. Be persistent, be clever, and most importantly be active.