Winter Concert

Terry Holman, Student Life Editor

In December, Amityville had their first in-person concert in about two years! The orchestra, band, jazz band, and chorus were all very excited to perform. Social distancing and masks were required as well as a rotating audience; every section had to leave after the performance. The chorus performed “All I Want for Christmas is You” and “The Hanukkah Song.” Chorus teacher, Mrs. Fazio, said “I’m proud of how well the chorus performed on stage at the winter concert. I enjoyed working on these holiday songs with the chorus students.” The band performed a marching piece called Bandology and a famous, well liked winter classic, Sleigh-ride. The orchestra performed a new type of piece, jazz. They played Jazzed Up as well as M to the Third Power. Ms. Ferrante, the orchestra teacher, said “after almost two years of virtual concerts, the live concert felt even more special than usual. The energy was contagious from the stage to the audience even though it was small and rotating. It was overwhelming.” Musicians and conductors agree with her, saying “we were all inspired days after the concert, riding on a high from it.” Music holds a dear place in many people’s hearts; it’s something that people have missed seeing live. This winter concert helped both musicians and the community alike hold hope that things are getting better as well as just experiencing the joy of watching their peers, children, and family members perform and do something they’re passionate about. 

We also did a virtual art show to showcase all of our students’ amazing art work.

The famous band and orchestra rivalry is still ongoing, inspiring both groups to perform their best. The argument of “who is better” will always rage on, only making these groups more fun. Mrs. Maccarone, the band teacher, will always claim that the band is the best, just as Ms. Ferrante will always claim that the orchestra is the best. I guess we’ll have to continue this conversation after the Spring concert!