What’s Heardle?

April 4, 2022
Wordle’s instant success has had a great impact on these brain games, allowing for many spin offs within the genre to be created, but of different varieties. One of these games is Heardle, and it is honestly my favorite of the bunch. After each game, I’m left waiting until the timer resets and tomorrow’s new song is available. The premise of the game is to guess the intro of any given song (within the game’s database) within a span of one second, then two seconds, then four, then, seven, then eleven, and finally sixteen seconds. Guessing as quickly as possible and getting the answer right results in a better ‘‘score’’. Some of the songs used previously in this game consist of ‘‘One More Time’’ by Daft Punk, ‘‘Ms. Jackson’’ by Outkast, and ‘‘Numb’’ by Linkin Park, so many choices aren’t exactly hard to make, but it throws you in for a curmveball every now and then by offering an artist that may either be upcoming or simply underground (although those rarely occur according to the Heardle Answer Sheet). For listeners and fans of music, there is no better way to test your knowledge or even expand your horizons on music any quicker than a minute-long game of Heardle. I highly recommend it. Just be wary: you will be counting the minutes until the next game begins.