AMHS’s Amazing Spring Concert and Art Showcase

Terry Holman, Student Life Editor

May. Probably one of the busiest months for the music department in Amityville. The Spring Concert and Art Showcase is definitely the biggest event for musicians and artists alike. 

Truly a five-star event! I know of some people that would’ve loved to see it. 

Starting off the concert, the seniors were honored by playing first. They performed the Star Spangled Banner. It’s always a treat to listen to them. They’re amazing as always and yet again, impress and inspire us all. 

One of the most amazing programs (from all schools) that I have ever seen. Let’s go to String Orchestra. Conducted by the famous Mrs. Ferrante (yes, I said Mrs.), the orchestra definitely performed an upbeat show. Honoring Ukraine, the first piece they played was the Ukrainian National Anthem. Playing with emotion, the auditorium is filled with sound as the students play from the heart. Now, excited and full of energy, the students raised their bows, ready on the string, and pulled as hard as they could at the downbeat. Setting the energy Persephone’s Revenge is performed. City of Steel continued that energy with an amazing ending. Saying “they’re great” made me believe that that was a favorite. For the finishing piece, Scherzo from Symphony #3 left a mark. The students practiced this piece all year making them very proud of performing it. Ferrante said it was “a great night of music. The energy from the stage was contagious in all three ensembles.” 

Next up is the chorus ensemble. Preforming In the Presence of Jehovah, Everybody Rejoice, and Oh, Lady Be Good!, the chorus perseveres with yet another teacher. Mr. Kopolovicz puts on a slower, calmer show creating amazing contrast. After a short interview with him, he expresses his pride by saying, “I was very pleased with the way the choir sang on concert night! You sounded amazing! They displayed true Amityville pride! I wish to thank Dr. Fernandez, Mr. Plaia, Mr. Ferrara, Miss Maccarone, Miss Ferrante, students, faculty, and staff for a beautiful night of music!”

Last but not least, it’s time for the band. Before I start, there is someone I must honor. Band teacher Mrs. Maccarone put on an amazing show. Not only was it the seniors’ last concert, but it was also hers. After years and years of dedicated service to the Amityville Band(s), sadly she is retiring. Making an impact on many people’s lives, we know that she will continue to do what she is greatest at, saying that band is the best. We also know that she will remain wrong. But on a serious note, she will continue to make an impact on everyone’s lives she enters, we love and will miss you. <3 I will say, she is definitely going out with a bang. 

Time for the band ensemble to shine. Symphony No. 5 recreated the upbeat energy. Exciting everyone, they sat on the edge of their seats, awaiting the next piece. Sea Gate Overture was a challenging and exciting piece that had many contrasting sections, setting up for the last piece. Highlights from “Les Miserables” gave even more contrast and had a huge ending. This set up for the next exciting part. The band students had brought Mrs. Maccarone a lot, I mean a lot, of flowers. Band, orchestra, and chorus students alike signed a poster for her to take with her. With arms full of flowers, a group of us walked down to the stage and handed the students the flowers as they surrounded her with love. After the concert, she said “I am so proud of the effort that the band students put in to make this concert a success. I am especially happy to be ending my career with such a talented, dedicated and loving group of students who I will always refer to as ‘my kids.’” 

Scattered throughout the concert, the Clarinet Ensemble playing Mr. Sandman, the Saxophone Ensemble playing Careless Whispers, and the Brass Ensemble playing Love Divine graced us with their unique sounds. 

With much love from everyone, the music concert ends. However this is not the end of the night! As families and students exit, they are able to view the art showcase. Some art from every school in the district. These artists created amazing pieces of art and yet again, impress us all.  Click on the link below for a presentation of student work.

Amazing artists and musicians alike came together to celebrate another semester of music completed. We will all miss the seniors greatly and we wish them well on their musical and artistic journeys!