National Hispanic Heritage Month

October 7, 2022
National Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15 – October 15 each year. The mid-month starting date of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Started in 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month initially only spanned the course of a week. It wasn’t until 1988 when President Reagan signed a bill into law that extended the week into a full month.
Today, National Hispanic Heritage Month is seen as a time to honor and celebrate the many contributions of the Hispanic and Latin American communities. According to the latest White House proclamation: Hispanic heritage holds an indelible place in the heart and soul of our Nation, and National Hispanic Heritage Month reminds us that the American identity is a fabric of diverse traditions and stories woven together. Since the beginning, our country has drawn strength and insights from Hispanic writers, scientists, soldiers, doctors, entrepreneurs, academics, and leaders in labor and government. Our culture has been enriched by the rhythms, art, literature, and creativity of Hispanic peoples. And our deepest values have been informed by the love of family and faith that is at the core of so many Hispanic communities. All of these contributions help us realize the promise of America for all Americans.
You can read the entire White House proclamation by clicking HERE.
Top 8 Reasons Why and How We Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month: Click HERE for link!
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Exploring Latino Diversity in the United States: What does it mean to be Latino? To be Hispanic? To be Latinx? What does it mean to be American? Click HERE for link!