We’ve Got Spirit! How ‘Bout You?
December 10, 2018
The months are moving quickly. October was a busy month with Amityville hosting events like the Homecoming Festival, Homecoming Game, Safe Halloween, and The Halloween Dance. October was packed with fun school events, Spirit Week being particularly enjoyable. Spirit Week is when for a whole week you show your school spirit and participate in the selected days. Spirit week took place between October 9-12th.
Oct 9, Pajama Day: Wear your favorite most comfortable pjs and sleepwear to school for a very relaxing chill day.
Oct 10, Multicultural Day: Represent, show, and wear your country with great pride!
Oct 11, Character Day: Be someone else for a day! Your favorite character from a book, movie, show, etc.
Oct 12, Spirit Day: Amityville Pride: Sport our school colors red and gray!
Senior’s unofficially extended Spirit Week for another 5 days of fun and school unity. Senior Spirit Week was the week after the Student Council issued Spirit Week.
Oct 15, MeMe Day: You dress up as one of your favorite iconic memes that floats around the internet, that you watch daily to keep your spirits light and happy because school is #Ugh
Oct 16, Twin Day: It’s Twinnim, you and a friend wear matching outfits #Goals
Oct 17, Gender Bender: You’re female? Now you’re male. You’re male? Now you’re female. An opposite day, but only for gender.
Oct 18, Grandparents Day: You were born in Baby Boomers except for Gen Z. Dress like you’re an elderly person retired living nicely off your 4K01. #NoWorries
Oct 19, Color Wars: “Unity, we are one.” Each grade were given a color; Seniors- Red, Juniors- Blue, Sophomore-Yellow. On this day you were repping your grade and having pride for your year.