Club Briefings

November 30, 2020
Black Student Union:
Members will be hosting a Panel on Privilege and Inequality on December 16th. (Stay tuned for more info!)
Breaking Borders:
Members will be hosting a virtual meeting with the organizations from participating school districts. New members are still encouraged to join and can contact Mr. Tomasi or Samanta Molina (’22), president of Breaking Borders.
The GSA recently celebrated National Coming Out Day and Trans Awareness Week. The Transgender Day of Remembrance took place on 11/20/20 and many students and staff were seen wearing clothing and masks to support the cause. Readers can check out the following link for more information on Trans Awareness Week:
Interact Club members are holding a Coat Drive for the upcoming winter season. They are looking for new or gently used coats, as well as gloves and hats. All sizes will be accepted. Drop-off bins are located near the auditorium, the front entrance, as well as the cafeteria.
Key Club:
Key Club conducted a Virtual Food Drive. They set a 500-pound goal of food to be collected, and as of 12/02/20, surpassed their goal.
Tri-M, or Modern Music Masters is the music honor society. Led by advisor, Ms. Ferrante and officers Mikhail Ankudovych, Yaneli Amaya, Andielynn Llamas, Terry Holman, Melissa Contreras, and Adriana Velasquez, Tri-M’s mission is to recognize student achievement in music, and to spread music throughout the district. To be admitted, during the Spring induction. you must have at least an 85% unweighted GPA and enrollment in a performing ensemble with an average of 90 or above in the course. In years past, Tri-M has helped increase knowledge about music during Music in our Schools Month, fund-raised for the music department, helped during concerts, and participated in music-based field trips. Of course, every organization looks different this year due to COVID-19, Tri-M is continually dedicated to their goal of embracing music in our school, district, and community, even if we must do so in ways completely foreign to us. For those of you in good academic standing, enrolled and excelling in a performing ensemble, and who have a passion for learning, listening, and spreading the joy of music, Tri-M looks forward to welcoming you with open arms after our Spring induction!
WAC PAC is in the middle of their Peace Rock project and their “We care for the homeless project.” Videos of members delivering rocks to recipients are posted on the WAC PAC Google Classroom page. They have also decorated a box (located in the VIP room) where WAC PACers and staff members can drop off items that will help serve the needs of the homeless population. They are looking for over-sized clothing, socks and underwear, warm clothing accessories, toiletries and hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and baby items.)
Time is running out to save money and personalize your yearbook engraved with your name and special symbols. Below is an example. December 4th is the deadline . To order, click here: A three month payment plan is available when checking out.
Order SNACKS to be delivered to your free-period with this link:
Upload your own pictures to the yearbook with this link: