Students Take In Hamilton


Keniese Pryce, Staff Writer

Hamilton is a play that many have heard of but not many have seen.  In the month of December I had the pleasure of seeing the Broadway play.  In my opinion the play was not what you would expect it to be, but very well done.  

There have been many people who refuse to see the play due to thinking a play about history would be boring or their friends won’t stop listening to the songs.  I used to be one of them. But I was still very excited to see it nonetheless. Prior to this trip I had never seen a Broadway play in my life. This trip was my chance at that dream.  

As you walk into the theater you are greeted with a sight that is merchandise and exited theater goers.  There was a magic about the atmosphere. The security, although firm, were nice and the ushers seemed to love their jobs.  

Then there was the wait for the beginning.  I took this time to really take in the set. You could tell that it was well done but it also looked like it was realistic to the time period.  It was beautiful. The stage was smaller than expected, however that gives you more of an appreciation for their work.

The play started with Hamilton’s background.  From the beginning there was a message. However also from the beginning you could tell that some cringe would take place. And that did deliver.  While most of the background dancing was typical, they added in way too many hidden dabs. The first couple were funny but by the war it was so unnecessary.

Speaking of things the play did wrong, let’s look at Jefferson.  I enjoyed that the play was full of people with many ethnicities but Jefferson’s shoes are unforgivable.  There were buckles on them! Jefferson was very France-oriented; he was basically in love with the country.  So when he came back to America he was disgusted at how much we were still like the British. Due to his love for France he refused to wear shoes with buckles on them. He believed they were too British. Any research on Jefferson would show this. This just shows that the parts of those who were not Hamilton were poorly researched. 

(However in the cast we saw Jefferson and Raphael were played by the Genie in Aladdin. Yay!!!)

The best part however was any scene with the king in it.  He was obviously the comedic relief in the play. Everything he did only proved to make him more cocky, yet hilarious.  Throughout the play, you could see how Hamilton grows more reasonable, yet somehow a little too full of himself. This fact was made very obvious in the song Non-Stop which is a personal favorite.  

The most empowering part of the play was the ending.  It completely changes perspectives. It gives more insight into the other characters.  It’s really bittersweet.