Valentine’s Day Rant!

Valentines Day Rant!

Dion Bullock, Staff Reporter

UGH, it’s that time of the year again. Valentine’s Day, possibly the worst holiday of the year. The holiday where everyone brags and spoils their special somebody while all of the unfortunate lonely people are left to wallow in sadness while being forced to watch all the happy couples around them. It is not a pleasant time for a lot of people. Especially for teens in high school. The salt levels are especially high there.

What good does Valentine’s Day even do anyway? Besides increasing chocolate and giant teddy bear sales, it is basically a useless holiday. Oh a special day where couples get to act extra lovey-dovey? Isn’t that basically what anniversaries are for? And what about the people who aren’t lucky enough to have a partner to embrace this holiday with? God forbid any of those unfortunate single souls have any kind of mental health issue like depression or anxiety, imagine being in that situation and having to deal with multiple couples around you being obnoxious as possible. Why do some couples feel the need to only show extra love towards each other on one specific day? In conclusion Valentine’s Day is a completely useless holiday and all it really does is cause people sadness and anger.